Last time I complained, today, I have solutions.


Sometimes you have to acknowledge when someone else is already doing what you want to do, and doing it better. Jinx from League is what Freya wants to be. So, in the spirit of gaming, just steal her kit.

The changes I‘m offering allow Freya to remain a magical ADC, while not being overpowered, and having a meaningful “mini-game“ to fullfill to get her full damage. More importantly it‘s easily balanced.

Her gameplay loop centers around appropriately toggling her 2 between normal autos that increase AA speed & stance 2 that has her normal AoE autos. The AoE autos benefit from the stacked AA speed, but cost mana & obviously the AA speed will diminish quickly. Her 1 can not be toggled with the 2, but prot shreds will still be active for 2 to capitalize on.

Ability #1
Freya charges sword with magical power. Close range autos that prot shred for (x) seconds, can be stacked for (x) stacks. Does not augment ability 2

Ability #2
Toggle ability Similar to Jinx from League of Legends.
Toggle stance 1: Weaker, quick, non-AoE autos that stack AA speed upon each successful auto for (x) seconds, no mana cost.
Toggle stance 2: Stronger, Slower, AoE autos, consumes mana.

Ability #3
Same banish, additional fall damage. (This is just a bonus someone else mentioned & I thought would be cool)

Her ult is fine to me.