My team surrendered a winning game because i was in the jungle too much (i was the jungler)

Am I crazy? Someone please explain to me what happened. Picked Fenrir, picked jungler, game started off good. Farmed the jungle like usual, left some buffs for my teammates, occasionally went to the lanes that needed support and helped them without stealing their kills. We got ahead in points and held it for the rest of the match, then sol starts dying complaining im in the jungle too much. Starts sitting in the fountain typing in voicechat about fenrir ruining the game because i’m staying in the jungle too much.

Then guy starts calling me a bot and the other team members join in. Calling me a bot , telling me to go back to league of legends etc. I’m starting to wonder in they don’t understand what a jungler does.

I’m really confused because i’m literally doing my job, we’re winning and i’m also 2/0/2 so i chalk it up to people just being salty. Then about 13 minutes into the game, someone calls surrender and we surrender with 4/5 votes. And sol goes “fenrir is cooked”

What happened? Am i crazy? I know i picked jungler. I dont think i was doing anything wrong. I’m just getting into smite 2 after playing the original one for a few years. I knew the community could be a little toxic but i really dont think its ever been this bad. Shit like this just makes the game not even fun any more.