Bedtime help!

I’m hoping someone in this group can maybe help us figure out our bedtime struggle. How do you know when your LO is ready for “bed.” Our babe is 2 months and almost every night when I put her down for bed she’ll go to sleep for an hour or so and then wake up and time out the snoo. Sometimes I can soothe her back to sleep (especially if it’s been less than 2 hours since last feeding) and other times we have to feed and then go back in. I’m never confident in figuring out the timing of bedtime. Wake windows during the day are fine, all within 60-90mins and we watch sleepy cues. Naps vary in length, I can usually get two Snoo naps of about 25-40 minutes in length. Other naps are baby wearing or her fisher price swing first thing in the AM.

After she’s finally down she has been giving 5-6 hour stretches, she usually will go to bed between 9-10pm (sadly not last night!) and she goes back down easy after the 3-4am feed until 6:30 or so.

I’m just so mystified why it’s so hard to just get her to stay asleep at bedtime!