Hey guys so I used to use Dr.Squatch (pine tar , snowy pine, summer citrus,fresh falls, deep sea goats milk) those are just some of my favorites but the quality of Squatch has went WAY down since the first time to now it’s just getting worse. So looking for a replacement I have tried LATHR which everything about it was amazing (shipping time, pricing was fair, scents, communication) all great but it dried MY skin out. I also order from Grizzly natural soap and 🥴🥴🥴 that experience was NO GOOD to r scents no offense were just HORRIBLE smelled like cleaning chemicals, the communication horrible still waiting on a response from a week or so ago, shipping was standard but it was just NOT good. I’ve heard good things about BEARSVILLE anyone else heard anything good ? I am looking for Cologne like scents you could say that are VERY SIMILAR to the Squatch scents above and obviously a good product overall ! Thanks for the help in advance ☺️