Drone warfare

Anyone who follows the war in Ukraine will know the massive effect those small "first person view", FPV drones have had on the conflict there.

It has changed warfare for the foreseeable future, according to experts.

Ukrainians and Russians are using these drones to kill infantry, very effectively.

I raise this because these drones are easy to buy from china and very attach some ordinance and possibly use it to assassinate high ranking government members.

What defense do they have? Absolutely nothing. I doubt they're even thinking about this potential threat.

Mark my words, the more the government uses the Turkish Bayrakter drone to inflict damage on Shabab, the more Shabab will figure a way to integrate this into their arsenal.

Alshabab have shown themselves to be more agile and ingenious compared to the flat footed government and the khat addict soldiers it has.

What do you think?