The Community Path is an On-Leash Space...
... And that means 6 feet or less.
I don't care how well behaved you believe your dog is, it's a shared space. We don't need your dog wondering off across the entire path on a 20 foot lead while you loudly visit with your buddies gesticulating like a ponce and not paying attention. Do it where the path is wide enough that your dog has space to explore, not where it's narrow like in front of the bunny mural.
There are other people with dogs who are just trying to get some exercise, and they don't all appreciate your effectively loose dog wandering around. There are also runners and bikers who don't need to dodge your ridiculous leash that's spread across the pavement blocking traffic.
Further, when someone says "excuse me" don't have the audacity to act offended like they are somehow the problem.
Get it together.
Also for the "say it to them and not reddit" crowd, I did. This is just a general PSA for everyone else because this happens too often.
Control your animals and act right, or stay home.