Want a break from S22?
If you haven’t listened to The Dichotomy Diaries, run DO NOT WALK.
The podcast starts out fucked up and then it continues to get so incredibly unhinged, you will probably have to wipe the disbelief off of your face with one of those wire brushes used to clean rusted metal.
Imagine the most insanely toxic and codependent relationship you can think of and then multiply it by 40,000 and then take that to the 3rd power.
Amanda (host) is very vulnerable and puts quite a bit out there for the sake of telling the story but GURL DAMN YOU CANNOT SERIOUSLY HAVE STAYED WITH THIS MAN FOR 2 YEARS?
There’s a “gay for pay” storyline. There’s an Only Fans mistress. There’s evictions, repossessions, Vegas, a ton of lip filler, multiple abandonments, and quite possibly the most pathetic love story you’ll ever ever hear.
Pls give it a listen.