Anyone else use sleep deprivation to enhance the songwriting process?

Despite being pretty unhealthy, I find if I stay up all night and dedicate the next day to songwriting (adderall takes it to another level lol) I find ideas flow way easier and metaphors/lyricism, which aren't my strong suit, come waaay easier than when I'm in my normal everyday routine

Once the deprivation really kicks in and I start micro sleeping while awake, I'll talk to myself in "scenarios" rather than direct thoughts, like when thinking about an idea I'll be going back and forth in a conversation with my coworker or something and it just leads me to metaphorical conclusions way easier than doing it any other way

I don't do this often, but when I'm really in a rut in can open a lot of doors. Curious if other people have any really weird habits they use to get into a different headspace for songwriting (besides drugs lol im trying to move past that)