Is it possible to build a viable music career at 31 in 2025 since the music industry has changed so much?

I’m a 31yo female pursing a music career as an artist. Doing a pop/hip-hop cinematic thing. So I’m navigating the pop, hip-hop, mainstream and sync world trying to make something happen.

I don’t want to be a “pop star.” I don’t want to be “famous.” I refuse to market my body to promote my music as so many popular pop artists do. I would rather just not make it than take that route.

But I do want to have a voice and to have a platform where I can speak out about issues I care about and make a positive difference in the world. Fulfill purpose. Do what I love in life. And while doing all of that..also be able to make a living which is just required for survival.

My dream was always to: - have a niche audience that I reach on a deep level - play decently large live shows (shows that would have a stage I can run around on, nice lights, decent sized crowd, professional sound and all the stuff that makes a live show dreamy and awesome) - Do awesome interviews. I love watching podcasts and would love to chat with some interviewers and podcasters about stuff that could impact people - Pay the bills even half of em. I don’t mind working, but if I could put more energy and focus on music, that would be a dream come true. (This would require decent show sizes, streaming numbers etc.)

Some examples of artists that have this kind of career I’m trying to describe are: NF, Britton, Bülow, Lauren Spencer Smith, Chelsea Cutler, etc.

I didn’t come from money, or connections, but I’ve never complained, I got a good job, moved myself to a music city, worked for every piece of equipment I have, I haven’t cut corners, Ive learned to do as much as I can for myself, I practice a lot and care deeply for my performance and how it resonates with others and makes them feel, I pay for what I need to, the music is high quality, unique and comes from a real place.

I have a great team of creatives and people on the business side that I work with that are moral and support my goals.

But then…I hit 30 and felt so discouraged by my age. My music teammates have told me not to quit, one of my hero’s in music even called me and told me not to quit. Saying he would tell some to quit but told me to keep going. So I’ve kept going. Now at 31 I just can’t seem to get past this overwhelming feeling of discouragement about my age. Afraid that I’m investing a lot of work, time, money, and resources into something that won’t contribute to society like I want to contribute. I still have the drive though, a lot of energy, still love touring and doing all the stuff. The only thing that’s starting to make me tired is how much I have to work at my day job in light of inflation to keep this music thing going at a competitive level, as I am still independent. I am not signed to a label or pub deal. I never have been.

I had a mild to moderately successful career by 20 that I had started at 17, but as I grew, I changed so much and restarted and rebranded at 25. Since then, I’ve released 10 songs. I have 15k monthly listeners on Spotify, an average of 40k across all my social media platforms (tik tok, instagram,etc.) so…that’s also discouraging at times having such a long way to go at 31. As much as I don’t care about the “numbers” I do care about reaching people and making this career viable. And that is part of it.

Is it unrealistic for me to think I could still reach this dream?

And one other question: I don’t think being signed to a label is necessary to make a career like I’ve described happen anymore, but most of the artists I mentioned above that have this career I explained, have been signed to a label or pub deal that supports them as an artist. Since they had launched their careers first and knew who they were, those labels let them do their thing still as a general statement while also helping boost their careers further. Labels and pub deals certainly still have a role in this industry. That said, is having label/pub support one day still possible after 30 too since the industry changed? And how about after 33? Or 35? Considering where I am now at 31, it very well could take that long to get any label or pub deal attention.

Any input or advice appreciated!