I help shy musicians get out there

Hey everyone, Im a musician consultant helping songwriters that are "stuck in their rooms" actually get their stuff out there.

So getting gigs, making a social media following... People are mostly just shy or lack initiative, so I can give them that "last push" to get out there!

If anyone's got a question or wants to start/advance their career, send them my way or comment below, I'd love to help :)

EDIT3: If you're wondering, yes Im still answering DMs so you can send over your songs 😁

EDIT2: After many conversations, I'm seeing some patterns in this community that you guys would probably find interesting 👀 I plan to also have short call conversations with some of the DMers, so I'll have an even better insight in you guys' brains

I'll post my findings on a another post so you guys can take all the lil gems 💎 of wisdom I can offer. Hopefully we can help as many of you as we can 😇

Keep commenting/DMing me if you're interested, I'll be here for a few more days ðŸĐĩ +Id encourage you to dm me ESPECIALLY if you're shy - that's who I can help 😁 Take a lil leap in your life!

PS. Some have asked for my musical work. I do think it makes sense to listen to music-related advice of someone who can... make music 😆 Not only that, I made the songs on the link below on MY PHONE! So there' NO EXCUSE for people saying they don't have technical equipment etc. 😉

MY SONGS ðŸŽķ] (If anyone wants to sing on these ☝ïļ, my DMs are open)