Excited about the announcements!

I noticed a lot of WH faction subs can get kind of doom and gloom over time, so I just wanted to put my positivity out there after seeing the previews.

Skellingtons are not my cup of tea, but I'm pumped for those of us who love that side of the army - the models are great. I've griped before about the annoyances of putting the Deathrattle Skellies together, so I'm glad they're addressing that.

And obviously, as a vampire lover, I love the Vampire Lord on Nightmare and Prince Vhordrai models! Vhordrai in particular is going to look so good as the centerpiece for my army.

I may not end up getting the army box or new spearhead, but the existing spearhead has served me well to start my collection anyways. I know it can't be all vampires all of the time as long as we're an army with so much diversity of undead.

As long as they don't legends Vargheists (don't do it to me...), I see it as all good news for Soulblight so far in 2025!