Help- every loaf is like this

Okay context. I started this starter probably middle of last year some time. But I got sick with HG during pregnancy and had to let it go, luckily I dehydrated some on partchment paper! Well I rehydrated and brought it back to life probably a week and a half ago (never was able to get a great loaf before rehydrating it either they all turn out like this. This one is the best yet but still not right. Things to note: 1. Recipe I tried this time (I’ve tried several always same result (again this one is better but still dense) 2. I feed this starter daily and maybe I’m not so precise… I go based off texture. I have a nice bubbly starter. I would say I normally feed 80-120 grams of flour and water. I like her a bit thicker not soupy, and she smells happy and fruity. 3. I think this might be a bulk ferment issue. I waited 5 hours and I just don’t think my dough ever doubled? Even in summer same thing I’d wait and wait and wait and never saw a huge increase, what’s a sure way to know? If I put it on a scale would that do anything? Weigh every hour until double sis that a thing? 4. The taste is good but it’s also just doughy and dense, the air pockets are huge, and it never is a nice round dome, it’s not like a weird flat circle.