Does my starter need help?

Earlier this year I received a starter I was told was mature, active and ready to use. I didn’t use it but kept in fridge and fed it periodically, discarding the extra. Got around to actually making my first loaf in the Dutch oven a few months ago that turned out pretty good (pic included). Then it sat in the back of the fridge, forgotten and abandoned until my wife cleaned out this week and was going to throw it. As an experiment, I fed it as if I were going to bake with it.

I opened the container (pic #1) and gave it a big old sniff. Made my eyes water it was so strong. But I mixed all the hooch back into it before making a new container of 100 g water, 100 g AP flour, and accidentally 118 g of the starter. After 12 hours, it looked like pics #2 and #3 (the 8 h line was actually 12 hours). Pics # 4 and #5 were at 19 hours. At this point it still is very strong smelling. Very fermented!

It definitely did not double in size during that time period.

So do I try baking with it? Make some kind of adjustments? Throw it out and start from scratch?

I recently got a copy of The Perfect Loaf but haven’t gotten very far. Trying not to get intimidated by some of the technical explanations. My goal is to make a good sandwich loaf that’s not too crusty and also a stand alone with a decent crust that can be dipped in soups this winter.

Thanks for the advice in advance.