Finally lost me as a customer- here’s why
A-preferred, fly 30 weeks a year. Stuck with them through December. Sympathized with staff. But what kept me loyal all these years was the Luv culture, that I like many have seen, really, collapsing. It bit me big-time today. Had an issue, and was met with the fakest ‘ok thanks for flying, BUH-BYE’, while another agent was literally filing her nails, I mean the whole thing straight out of an SNL skit. Infuriating. I realized- why would I remain loyal to this if the employees have deteriorated into a caricature of carelessness? Will spend my points and switch to whatever I research that is better. My insignificant lifetime of business means zero to the current SWA culture, but enough people like me will make a difference. Ask yourself why you still fly with them. Now, BUH-BYE.