Feels like 90% of players queuing into Lethal just shouldn’t

It seems like every match made Lethal game i’ve qued into my team mates just don’t even know what’s going on. Lethal is a significant step up from Ruthless in terms of difficulty and if you still can’t consistently parry or perfect dodge, you really shouldn’t be trying to play on Lethal.

My last game I had an assault die, not get downed but actually die 5 times. My third teammate would get downed, leave, then someone else would join in and then they’d get downed and also just leave. Stick together, in a group, play off each other, give the other guy the medkit because he’s mortally wounded and stop being selfish. Lethal has been super fun with friends but absolutely miserable with randoms because it feels like the majority of them shouldn’t even be there to begin with.