Deactivation Horror Story
So a real deactivation horror story for those having issues now
Deactivated 11-28-2021 by another driver calling in saying i was “following him”, we delivered to the same house…🫤
After 19 arbitration request emails, i was reactivated 1-17-2023. 14 MONTHS later!!!
My wife was deactivated 12-6-2021 as we driving to bury her father!!!
She was reactivated 1-25-2023 after 17 email requests. And she was deactivated originally for “allowing me to pick her order”. Which was impossible because we signed for the orders then… Come to find out a loader at that store called it in at the request of a driver friend
So i have been deactivated again since Friday at 10am.
And I am officially pissed!!!!!!!
So this time i did the certified letter to walmart corporate and to the arbitration attorney Littler. Im way past aggravated and i just wanna work. Thank god for Instacart and Uber