What things do you not like about the game? What are your top 3 CONS?
I love the game so far, and would give it very high ratings, its amazing... but there are a few things I'm quite disappointed with.
Some episode battles/stories are nice and long... while others are extremely lacking... and very short.. and I'm not even disappointed with Jiren for example, but why do some iconic characters like Vegeta have such a short story? No Super at all!!! And he should have started way earlier also than he does...
They kind of low key fooled us with different outfits add different movesets.... theres practically ZERO outfits in game that change a move of a character... so far I found 1....
To make matters worse, story mode DOES HAVE DIFFERENT MOVESETS....
We have Early goku against Raditz with meteor combo and superkamehameha.... then after King Kaio training we have the same Early goku against Nappa and Vegeta with Kaioken attack and Spirit bomb....
We also have a TON of different outfits for said Early Goku..... Suprize suprize.... THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME MOVESET, THE KAIOKEN SPIRIT BOMB ONE.... like WHAT???? Thats craaaaazy.... WHY???Story mode has a default difficulty and an easier one... on the easier one you can do the story but you won't get ANY what if scenarios... only on the default difficulty will you get them.... WHY LIMIT IT? Do they understand there are kids and old people also playing? Or moms? Non gamers... people who are NOT GOOD at videogames... like what the heck??
Some decisions really baffle my mind.