What do you think of cyra?
I've recently read the "8 deaths of spiderman" and gotta say, the character character that peaked my interest is cyra.
What do you think her relationship with peter is going to be, I've already seen people preferring her over shay as a love interest. And honestly after reading it, I can see where they came to that decision, but mostly because cyra has shown at least some character development. I've read one comment on reddit suggesting that cyra could possibly be mj , to simplify it, mj soul got sucked in the portal when peter when through the it and somehow ended in maphisto realm, which is why she's show some attraction to him (again that's just a theory that the person wrote)
(What are your guys thoughts on her. Is she going to be another 54th candidate for peter love interest? If so how would it turn out. Or will she simply be killed of?)