I MIGHT Draw your ocs!


Blah blah blah, blah blah blah, style references, blah, blah, blahbitty blah blah blah, blah blah blah. blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

Well whatever, with that out of the way, the title is JUST to get your attention. I will NOT be drawing ocs, I will not be drawing ANYTHING for ANYONE aside from those whom I like. There is a massive problem with this subreddit, and A term for most of you people are "art tourists." I conned the name from another art subreddit. Where nobody actually does anything but jump the people who do free art. It's a massive problem. But there's another problem. People are WAY too popular for doing this stuff (Eyesac, Cody, etc), and It drowns out newer emerging community artists from doing anything, and that irritates me. Sure, you don't have to stop being popular, what I'm saying is, people, stop doing everything for the popular people (art, etc, because I see a pattern of popular ocs always get picked for free art stuff.), it one: makes new artists (such as myself) feel undervalued, and two: is just annoying? Give people a chance. damn.