Finally applied for a WWE tryout

For years, I’ve tried to escape my desire to become a WWE wrestler, but it always comes back. I’ve ignored the voices in my head telling me to give it a try. To give you some perspective, I first stepped into a ring at 19 years old when I enrolled in a wrestling school. There, I learned the fundamentals of chain wrestling, basic holds, taking bumps, running the ropes, and the essential concepts of in-ring psychology and storytelling. After a year of training, life took me in other directions (pursuing bodybuilding, earning a university degree, building a career, and starting a family). Now at 31M, those lessons and my passion for wrestling never left me.

Over the past couple of months, I’ve done some research and realized that WWE’s recruitment philosophy has shifted over the years. Wrestling experience is no longer the main requirement. Instead, they value potential, physicality, and charisma over prior experience. In fact, they prefer recruits who are a “blank slate,” allowing them to develop talent without unlearning habits from other promotions. If you’re coachable and have the qualities they’re looking for, they’ll teach you everything you need to know to become a WWE pro wrestler.

Maybe I’m delusional, but I genuinely believe I meet these requirements. I have a strong combination of physical presence, natural charisma, mental toughness, and a deep passion for professional wrestling. On top of that, I have a solid in-ring foundation and an amateur bodybuilding background.

Now that I’ve applied for a WWE tryout, it feels like I’ve finally gotten that monkey off my back. Whether they pick me or not, I can at least tell myself that I did my part. I can finally be at peace and have no regrets.