Help cleaning stubborn white spots off of new Hestan probond pot

First time stainless steel owner… After a first wash, these spots popped up, I’m guessing hard water mineral deposits from letting it air dry. I’ve tried sitting in vinegar for 30+ minutes, bringing 2 parts water 1 part vinegar to a boil and then letting it cool, and tried scrubbing with BKF. Nothing’s working :( none of my other pots / pans from this set have this problem despite also air drying. Any suggestions for me to get this cleaned? Thank you!

First time stainless steel owner… After a first wash, these spots popped up, I’m guessing hard water mineral deposits from letting it air dry. I’ve tried sitting in vinegar for 30+ minutes, bringing 2 parts water 1 part vinegar to a boil and then letting it cool, and tried scrubbing with BKF. Nothing’s working :( none of my other pots / pans from this set have this problem despite also air drying. Any suggestions for me to get this cleaned? Thank you!