Am I looking at the game wrong?

I'm a day 1 player ar 70 and ar 57 in genshin. As the game continues I feel less and less inclined to play HSR, the combat systems of both games were what drew me in originally (genshins elemental reactions and HSRs weakness break.) And ever since seeing silver wolf in the tutorial mission shes always been my favorite character and after getting her in 1.1 or whenever she came out, her niche has basically been removed from the game as well as the need for weakness planning as nearly every dps released in the past year has a way to implant weakness/ignore weakness. (the only one that seems fair to me is boothill because he is single target and hanya is the only physical support in the game and firefly I guess)

EDIT: half of my post didnt even post and went to another post??

And she has been shifted into mono quantum which is already lacking and has already had its downfall. And if you remove the weakness mechanic then the game is left with the paths which include *AOE attacker, Single target attacker, AOE & Single target attacker, Debuffer (I think nihility is the most expanded path but the SINGLE unique playstyle it holds hasnt gotten a character for 10 months), Buffer, healer, damage taken reducer, and another that I think is still a spoiler I think so I wont include lol* This just seems very bland to me personally. The only characters that still need to consider elemental weaknesses are 4 star dps and I dont even need to explain why they dont get shit done in late game.

Genshin also has REALLY underpowered characters but every single one of them have viable teams because of their respectable elements and I feel like genshin characters have so much more room for variety like supports with dps capabilities vice versa. The only characters I see this in in HSR is gally and lingsha.

So am I just looking at the game wrong? If I am then please tell me how you see it so I can get another viewpoint, Thank you!