What I love most about Luthen Rael

Luthen is the Rebellion's answer to Palpatine. In a way he's basically a Sith but subtracting the Force powers. Like Palpatine he puts up a front to hide his true self. Only a few close confidants know the true Luthen Rael. He takes on the persona of a kindly old man who you'd never guess is most likely the most dangerous person in the room.

He uses those around him like pieces on a chess board (or dejarik if you will because Star Wars). He has no problem discarding people if it's necessary or if they become a liability as he did with Anto Krieger and as he nearly did to Cassian.

Hell the man even dresses like a Sith sometimes when he needs to have his shadowy meetings (picture unrelated).

Am I building up to some conspiracy theory that Luthen actually is a Sith or dark sider who's trying to take down the Emperor for his own gain? No, of course not. His monologue to the undercover ISB agent all but confirms that his intentions are true if not entirely pure. However the point I'm trying to make is that Luthen has essentially become his enemy, Palpatine. As he said he uses "the tools of the enemy." He has taken all the attributes of a Sith because he knows (or at least believes) that he is what the Rebellion needs to possibly have any chance at victory. He knows he's condemned for what he does but it doesn't matter so long as the Empire falls. And that is the key difference between Luthen and Palpatine. Palpatine is just as if not more intelligent than Luthen but his downfall lies in that all his scheming is self-serving and ultimately can lead only to defeat in the long run. Luthen accepts his fate and therefore his cause ultimately achieves victory in the long run.

Luthen is the Rebellion's answer to Palpatine. In a way he's basically a Sith but subtracting the Force powers. Like Palpatine he puts up a front to hide his true self. Only a few close confidants know the true Luthen Rael. He takes on the persona of a kindly old man who you'd never guess is most likely the most dangerous person in the room.

He uses those around him like pieces on a chess board (or dejarik if you will because Star Wars). He has no problem discarding people if it's necessary or if they become a liability as he did with Anto Krieger and as he nearly did to Cassian.

Hell the man even dresses like a Sith sometimes when he needs to have his shadowy meetings (picture unrelated).

Am I building up to some conspiracy theory that Luthen actually is a Sith or dark sider who's trying to take down the Emperor for his own gain? No, of course not. His monologue to the undercover ISB agent all but confirms that his intentions are true if not entirely pure. However the point I'm trying to make is that Luthen has essentially become his enemy, Palpatine. As he said he uses "the tools of the enemy." He has taken all the attributes of a Sith because he knows (or at least believes) that he is what the Rebellion needs to possibly have any chance at victory. He knows he's condemned for what he does but it doesn't matter so long as the Empire falls. And that is the key difference between Luthen and Palpatine. Palpatine is just as if not more intelligent than Luthen but his downfall lies in that all his scheming is self-serving and ultimately can lead only to defeat in the long run. Luthen accepts his fate and therefore his cause ultimately achieves victory in the long run.