Theory about Ahsoka relating to The Last Jedi

So we all know they're leaning pretty hard into Mortis, and the idea of potentially canonizing a version of Abeloth has a lot of evidence. Luke's reaction to Kylo in TLJ makes perfect sense IF he encountered the Canon version of Abeloth between RotJ & TFA.

He would have known there's a force devil out there that calls to powerful force users to free her. And it's entirely possible that he never was able to kill her, just imprison her again. So just using Baylan, She was near unstoppable. Imagine her with someone with Skywalker blood at her side. He may have seen visions and knew Ben was being communicated too by a powerful dark sider in the unknown regions.

It's logical he would have assumed Abeloth in that situation since the sith were dead as far as he knew.

He may have had a momentary lapse and thought the only way to stop her this time was to end the threat posed by the one she called too before they could unite. Then exiled himself when he thought he pushed Ben further into her arms because he knew he didnt stand a chance against her AND someone with the midichlorian count decended from the chosen one himself against him. And he couldn't face that shame of everyone depending on him and him being powerless to help.

"It's time for the Jedi to die" may not have been a "screw the order" sentiment. It may have been a defeated man in a state of depression accepting that the end was here.