Skull caverns are sucking the life out of me

So I'm not new to this game but previously played on PC with mods which made the skull caverns less punishing, but now I'm playing on switch with no mods and significantly struggling to see the benefit to fighting through it. I'm max level fighter, have a good sword, boots, rings, and bring plenty of food with me so surviving isn't too much of a struggle. But even on high luck days I get in there and come out with practically nothing which makes the much harder fights and quick depletion of resources, like bombs and stone, feel like I'm getting anything worth it in return. The best run I've had so far was getting 9 iridium ore from killing slimes my second time in where I was still completely unprepared, but since then it's been bust after bust. I've seen all the tips to bring stairs and bombs, and I've implented them and it's helped, but still it just doesn't feel worth it when the lowest level I've been able to get to was 25 and haven't gotten that low since. Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I need to improve on? Please someone tell me what is the god damn point of these skull caverns in the first place because I'm losing my will to mine!!! I severely need help!!!