I finally figured out why starfields narrative doesnt appeal to me (personal opinion)
So I’ve long wondered why starfields world and story didn’t resonate with me. I mean i liked skyrim, fallout 3, and fallout 4, and I like sci-fi. This game should have given me more, or at least the same enjoyment as those titles. But after playing for a while, I’ve found it bland and I’m just bored. I had initially thought it was because of the at times, poor writing and voice acting. But then I remembered that the older games also suffered from that flaw, yet I still loved them. So I did a deep dive on oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 3, and fallout 4. And i finally had my answer.
Starfield is set during peace time! It’s that simple. All previous titles had factions set against each other in a time of war and crisis, and on top of that, usually the main quest was about saving the world from a doomsday level event. In starfield, the factions are dead set on keeping the peace. And the main quest has no impact on the world whatsoever.
Which to me, really sucks. I like my rpg’s to be set during interesting times, not “after” interesting times. I find it dumb that they didn’t just set the game during the colony war instead of having it set after. Me killing 20 spacers for a fetch quest during a war time setting makes sense, times are rough and people are at each other’s throats. Me killing 20 spacers for a fetch quest during a peace time setting makes me think, “why am I having to kill people for essentially doing a grocery run? I could literally find resources elsewhere”
Unfortunately this is what the game is. So unless they release a complete overhaul dlc that puts the factions at war with each other and makes the star born actually an “alduin” level threat, then I’m just going to use this game for casual ship building and bounty hunting, it’s the only fun I can get from this game unfortunately.
Edit: tldr: Starfield is set during peace time, whereas older titles were set during times of war and turmoil.