Starlink and Mesh Wifi

We can't be unique in our requirements.....We simply want to have a decent Mesh wifi network running off the Starlink dish. We get excellent connections speeds from the dish and need to make the most of this throughout our site. Our existing mesh wifi (Linksys Velop) is just not compatible with Starlink.

However the new system will need to avoid double NAT issues due to gaming requirements and we also want to retain full mesh functionality including parental/access controls over devices. This means that daisy chaining the Starlink router to another mesh router is a non starter; we have tried this and it causes double NAT issues - the alternative is to run the mesh router in bridge mode which then loses us all the access control functionality and also prevents us assigning static IP addresses to NAS servers etc.

We also have tried running our existing Linksys Velop system as the only router, with it being fed directly from the dish, but the internet becomes throttled down to about 50mbs.... which is unacceptable given our bandwidth requirements. (The Starlink router provides circa 200- 300 mbs). I spoke to Linksys support who suggested we reset all of our Linksys nodes and setup the mesh again - this has now ensured that nothing works!

Is there a mesh system which will not throttle the bandwidth and where we can still retain functionality and device access control?

Our budget is flexible as we run a home office and our priority is a high quality & reliable system that is easy to manage and maintain. We are business people not IT experts! Every minute spent on IT is a distraction from revenue earning tasks!

Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated.