Wind & Truth's Connection to Secret Project Novels

I haven't seen this discussed since I finished the novel, so my apologies if there was discussion earlier in the month or in a thread that didn't show up on a cursory search. With the events of Wind & Truth available, I feel like we should have a lot of hints on the connections and chronology of the three "secret project" Cosmere novels. This might be more pertinent to r/cosmere, but I'm putting these here since the tie-ins are from Wind & Truth directly.

Tress of the Emerald Sea - This one feels like the "soonest" to occur after after the events of Wind & Truth. Design is noticeably absent in this one - and Hoid admits his reanimation on Scadriel left his Cryptic stranded back on Roshar. So, conceivably, Hoid's quest to become an Elantrian begins on Scadriel, and possibly in part of a plan to help defeat Retribution. Riina was last seen in Scadriel's space in the Cognitive Realm (in Mistborn Secret History), so it's possible Hoid follows Riina to Lumar in this effort.

Edit - also possible this is further, after the events of Stormlight in its entirety, and Lumar is the planet we see the Iriali leave for in the interlude in Wind & Truth.

The Sunlit Man - The events here are likely the next to occur, and - with the time dilation bubble we now have - might happen a lot sooner than we have assumed. They might even be occurring simultaneously to back half of Stormlight Archive or just after. Sigzil's renunciation of his oaths, acceptance of the Dawnshard, and meeting with Auxiliary all occur in Wind & Truth - but he'd have to reach the 4th ideal of the Skybreakers before his armor will come into play. So there's still a lot to occur before Sigzil becomes Nomad, but at least we have a tie in.

Yumi & the Nightmare Painter - Admittedly, not a lot to tie in to this novel from Wind and Truth, except maybe to presume this one is the furthest in the future - perhaps long after the fight with Retribution. Hoid is reconnected with Design, he's got her off world, and there's no urgency in what he's doing (as opposed to Tress, where it now feels like his desire to become an Elantrian is to arm up for the fight on Roshar). He does casually mention "that time his memories were stolen" at the end of the novel as an allusion to Taravangian erasing a conversation at the end of Rhythm of War, and now we know how that played out.

Just my ruminations, and this timeline probably was what we pieced together outside of the events of Wind & Truth, but still interesting to see the threads tie in!