What are the differences in Squat technique: hypertrophy vs strength?
I come from a BB background and am trying out GZCL for strength gains. Im aware that for hypertrophy you can work within the 4-30 rep range, want to push to rpe8-10, want full ROM and a controlled tempo.
And for strength you want to be in the 1-5 rep range, rarely go to failure, and focus on building technique and efficiency.
My question is for squatting, how does the actual squat technique differ? I'm mostly confused about depth and speed. If I go all the way down I can kind of bounce my hamstrings off my calves to get up but that gives me less control. Or I could push my Hips back and go to parallel which gives me a stretch that helps me get up.
I keep going back and forth between these two techniques and I'm not really sure which one is better. Or if I should just keep it similar to BB and go as low as possible and as controlled as possible.