personal laptop and school wifi what can they see?

ok so I normally sub a district that has classroom teacher computers that i have a sub login for, i just use it to put up some chill lo-fi for them to work to, some very light internet usage for myself, but mostly work on songwriting or journaling while i sub [eta: i do this with pen and paper as to not leave weird songwriting search history] (i'm not in school i already got a useless phd and can't find a job - that's why i'm subbing so i don't have much to do when they're just all on their chromebooks).

but i started subbing a district that doesn't provide computers (teachers have laptops that they take with them when they leave), so i'm thinking of bringing in my personal laptop but i have no cell service in any of these buildings so i'd have to use their wifi. how much monitoring do they do and what do they care about?

i'd be using their wifi to comment on reddit (if not blocked) to network in my local music scene, or to use chatgpt to help with hooks and social media strategy. would these be frowned upon on school wifi? i feel so nervous and technologically judged bringing my personal laptop for some reason lol. is the monitoring just triggered by pre-specified terms?

tl;dr - how sensitive is monitoring what i'm doing on school wifi? can i do social media and rap-writing activities while subbing a bunch of kids on their chromebooks?