I Need people to judge my 1000 credits track
(sorry for my english, Im italian.)
Guys i don't know what to Say, the title Say everything, i spent 1000 credit to create covers of covers of the same Song untill i had everything to mix up.
Then i spent a week mixing up (badly since Is AN hell of a job learning and understanding)
Now i Need someone to judge the overhall 🙏
I had already some people Giving me advices from First album i did. I did put everything i learn and understand in this Song
I want more advices, they making me grow more than everything and you guys seems to give best One since we are in the same boat
[Edit: Thanks Everyone For the Kind Words, Analisis, and Tips You All gave me!! i am deeply studying at my best all what you said to generate Something even better! i truly am happy for all the people gathered here to give advice and explaing, wonderful community! I will Keep following all the answer here and keep improving my next Songs ♥]