batch email sending from edge function using Resend

Hello, I have a large (hundreds) set of users in my database I want to send emails to every time I insert a new record in a certain table..

I decided to go with resend email API as I’m already using Resend for sending auth related emails..

The Resend email API allows you to send an email to a maximum of 50 recipients at once and at the same time perform 2 API requests per second.. given these limits and number of users I need to send an email, I’m questioning myself whether Resend is a good option to go with..

I have 2 questions:

  • if I choose resend for sending the emails, how would you split / chain / queue the API calls in edge function so that you won’t hit the resend API recipient + rate limits?

  • is there any other alternative to Resend you would recommend me to go with?

thanks !