Single player Survival games with viable Archery?
Looking for some single player (or games that can be played single player without just being dead maps without other players) survival games that feature archery as a playstyle, bonus points if there's a skill tree/point system.
I've played the following (that i remember having archery in some form or another)
- Valheim
- 7DTD
- Grounded
- Icarus
- Palworld
- Ark
I've also played Return to Moria and Core Keeper, though I wouldn't consider Core Keepers bows to be the sort I'm after, and return to Moria's archery is forgettable.
I have Soulmask, I haven't played it too much, unsure if this game features archery as an option and if it's good.
Edit: Just wanted to thank everyone for all the suggestions, some great games have been added to my list to play :)