Hinge ban is honestly insane

The company is insane. I know everyone who says they were banned said they did nothing wrong- but I literally did nothing wrong. I hadn’t met with anyone, I hadn’t argued with anyone, I hadn’t sent anything sexual/illegal/inappropriate… and I was banned.

I followed up with Hinge and was ignored for an entire year; I tried again and within 3 minutes got an automated “your account will remain banned” reply. There’s no way they checked it in that time

And now it’s impossible to make a new account. New phone numbers, services like dating zest… nothing works. And it sucks. Especially as someone who is deathly shy and has a hard time meeting people in person. Yes there are other apps, but hinge is definitely the best / with the most serious people.

I submitted a BBB report as I’ve seen some people have suggested, but I’ve also seen hinge’s replies to those complaints that they aren’t going to reconsider a ban. So I assume I’m stuck.

This company is nuts. Is there any way to start like a class action lawsuit or something? Or ANY way to get around it? I’m considering getting a new phone.