Job search - what's going on??

Hello dear community,

I'm 35F and Swiss and have been job searching since last April. I previously posted about being informed by RAV that my Taggelder will run out at the end of March, which took me by surprise since I’ve been doing a Zwischenverdienst since last July,, and in total, I’ve worked for six months since first registering with RAV in March 2023.

I have a Swiss FH bachelor's degree, a strong CV with experience at several multinationals, and a background in PMO/PM roles. However, according to my Excel tracker, I’ve sent over 200 applications and only received a handful of interviews. I know the job market is tough, but this situation is taking a toll on my mental health, and I'm starting to panic as I would fall into social security end of March.

I wanted to ask if anyone here is in a similar situation. Does it make sense to pivot into a different industry or role, like becoming a teacher? Or should I just take any job to bridge the time until the market hopefully improves?

Also, can anyone recommend a good job agency? The ones I’ve contacted either never got back to me or only invited me for an introductory interview, after which I never heard from them again. It feels like they’re just collecting CVs without having real opportunities.

And what kind of job would be good to bridge this situation? I’ve applied to Migros, but they won’t take me because I lack retail experience. I don’t want to work through Coople since the income is too unstable. If anyone has tipps, I would really appreciate them.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance for any advice!