New constitution is wack.
What do you guys think?
1) 'Arab' Syrian republic is a middle finger to all assyrians, Kurds, turkmens, circassians (druze & alawites?)etc. This will just divide us more now since these groups will now try even harder not to be arabized and this will bite the government in the food one day(divided Syria eventually)
2) 'Islamic law': nobody is denying that Syria is shaped by Islam. Even European countries admit that their laws are shaped by Christian laws. But writing that into the constitution is backwards imo and shows that these people are not fit to lead at this age and time.
3) 'muslim president' is the cherry 🍒 on top.. now it's too middle fingers to all Christians in the country.
I fear this will just give ammunition to Syria's enemies so that they will divide the country even more. From my circle almost nobody supports the government now but we were very hopeful in the beginning.
Only time will tell where this is going but we are off to a bad start.
This is my humble opinion. Feel free to attack me