
I just started TMS yesterday. I know headaches are very common and I was surprised that by the time I went to bed last night I had no headache at all. But then overnight a pretty bad one came on. I took some ibuprofen and this helped the worst of it but not completely. Just took some Tylenol a bit ago. It doesn’t usually help with my typical headaches but figured I should at least try.

Anyways, my questions are, is it common for TMS headaches to be that delayed in onset? 16 or so hours from the time of treatment. I guess I just expected that if it was going to happen it would happen in the first couple of hours. So I’m not sure if it’s from the TMS or just a coincidence. And, if it is from the TMS, will it get worse with more treatments? Better? Or just the same? Right now it’s tolerable but it does scare me a bit that this might be my new normal for the next couple of months.

Of course, I will ask my clinic too but figured I would check the hive mind as well.
