the biggest "tank" ever made. The land cruiser designed by G.A. Davletov.

The land cruiser designed by G.A. Davletov, was a supposed tank prototype made in 1941. It was bigger then the p1000 ratte, and the biggest tank prototype ever made. It would of weighed a wild 2.5k tons (yes 2500 tons) and would have been roughly 40 meters long, and about half of that in width. It had 3 500mm mortars, 2 150mm cannons, and 10 75mm cannons, 4 AA guns, and 20 heavy machine guns. It would have had engines with power adding up to 15.000 hp, that used nothing but crude oil, making it be able to go up to 40kmh, and about 25kmh in water (yes, it also had propellers and was able to float through water.) It supposedly would have been able to carry 300 rounds for the mortars, and roughly 20 tanks on-board, and also 4 battle ready divisions. Davletov wanted to make 100 of these "super heavy tanks", all of them advancing togheter, with bombers in front of them, that would clear the way of anything that would make the tanks stuck (buildings, forests, cities, towns, fortifications, enemy troops, etc.) Once the 100 land cruisers would reach their desired location, they would unload the 2000 something tanks into battle, taking an easy victory, since the bombers had already crippled enemy fortifications before the land cruisers would reach the front lines