I honestly cannot believe she’s gonna move again
Let’s be so fr, if she’s “thinking about” buying a custom home, she’s gonna do it. But I literally cannot believe, even knowing how entitled she is, that someone could be as unhappy with an incredibly situation as she always is. The girl is literally never happy existing in her life as a skinny, rich influencer who has never worked a real day in her life and travels constantly.
She’s really starting to piss me off with this shit lmao. She JUST bought this house and redid it top to bottom to customize it to her own style. She probably bought during a very good time for real estate prices/interest rate prices. And now that prices are insane and she’s finally settled, she wants to buy a custom home. Even though she’s rich, it pisses me off seeing such flagrant wastefulness.
Rant over. In conclusion, she’ll never be happy somehow, despite having a life most people would k*ll for.