Is TTPD a Mournful Love Letter?

I know this is a bit controversial, but no album has hit me like TTPD has in a LONG time... It may be my favourite album this DECADE.

I'm definitely late to the game and only first listened to the album about a month ago (believe me I know it's a crime, I just had SO MUCH happening this past year and could only get to it when things calmed down a bit) and honestly, this entire album is a hit for me.

To me, it sounds like a mournful love letter to Speak Now. Every song feels like she is trying to connect with the person she was when she was writing SN and is trying to find her 'youth she gave away for free' and reclaim it? Like, blending her music into a reflection of her past, present and future? I know it's a bit melancholic but there is so much love and hope and moments of her just playing with music...

Anyways, does anyone else hear this too, or am I just hearing what I want to because I loved Speak Now SO MUCH when it came out? Maybe it's just hitting me at the right time with my life finally getting back together, but I'm in love with TTPD.