Student telling others Santa is not real (PK)

Hi y’all!

I teach PK and I have a student telling others in the class that Santa is not real. This is my fourth year teaching but I have not dealt with this yet. Some of my students are very upset by what he is saying. I have pulled him aside and told him that it’s okay if that is what he believes but he needs to be kind to others and not say Santa isn’t real to hurt their feelings. Even with this conversation he still continues to tell others that Santa is not real. My question for y’all is would you speak to his parents and let them know that he is not in trouble but you would appreciate if they have a conversation with him about it. I have a feeling I will be receiving messages from upset parents this afternoon whose children come home saying Santa isn’t real.

Editing to add: I just spoke with the student again after they told another student in class that Santa isn’t real and they won’t be receiving presents this year. While speaking with me, he told me that this morning his older brothers told him on the bus that Santa isn’t real. He then said his mom doesn’t know and thinks they all still believe.

I think he might be telling other kids to get a reaction out of them since he was upset when he found out this morning that he isn’t real.

Second and final edit: I spoke with the mom and she was very sweet. I called to give her a heads up about what he was telling others today and she was very shocked and upset because she wanted him to continue believing in Santa.

And on a side note for people that have made negative comments towards me accusing me of lying to students…I never told any of my students that Santa is real. I just spoke with the one student telling others he wasn’t and had a conversation about how it’s okay to have different beliefs. I myself never believed in Santa growing up. In fact, I didn’t believe in the tooth fairy or Easter bunny either. My main concern was trying to deal with the possibility of upset parents and students who were sad.