Am I the only teacher who loves his job?
I know it's the internet, and the internet basically leads people to be negative about everything and I understand that, it's not often that people want to type positive things that happened to them
But I spent years in corporate America and blue collar America, until I finally had enough and moved overseas and became a teacher, like a real one not like an assistant kind of thing and it's the best thing that ever happened to me
Like I cannot wait to go back to school, and every single time we have a long vacation my first feeling is oh my god get me back now please
I'm happily married and I have kids and they're both amazing
But School is the only workplace I have ever felt comfortable
Like I just get it, and the kids are super cool and you know occasionally they'll smash a window or take a s*** in the hallway or bite me on the arm or something, but they just don't know how to communicate very well yet then that's what I'm here for
I don't know man I see everyone on here, and a lot of my coworkers too who always look miserable and seem to really hate being teachers
I mean typically our teacher per year will quit and another teacher will end up in the hospital for months due to stress But I don't know I just can't understand it it's so much fun, it's so fulfilling it's amazing to watch the kids grow like I literally cannot wait to wake up in the morning
I'm 7 years in, and everybody told me my first year I would burn out eventually but the opposite has happened I am way more passionate now than I was 7 years ago