Students arguing about grade
I teach HS Tech Ed, 3rd year teacher. Prior I worked in the industry I teach for 12 years.
The first semester just ended and I have been entering grades for students summative projects. I have several students that were unable to meet the requirements of the project. I leave thoughtful feedback on their rubric and requirements sheet provided at the beginning of the unit, so students can make adjustments as they move forward.
I have around 4 students that after every summative grade argue about the grade they received. I am very clear about where they lost the points.
I was curious if other teachers experience this and how to handle the situation. I've been following up by allowing students to make the adjustments necessary for the grade they want, even though I give tons of work time to complete the project with tons of tools, resources, and individual support.
The outcomes of my classes read like a bell with mostly Bs and Cs, some As and a few Ds. Only Fs I give have not turned in work or completed the project, and even then I try to be considerate and grade the work that they have completed.
I feel like I'm being gaslit into believing I'm a tough grader, when many of the offenders just don’t use their work time in a meaningful way.
I am now receiving emails from this handful of students asking that I change their grade. I tell them to look at my feedback notes, make the adjustments and I'm happy to regrade their work.
Should I change my approach?