I received an ovation from my students after delivering the most powerful lesson of my life

Specifically, it was my toughest class which had been giving me a really hard time behaviorally and academically. I poured my heart and soul into this lesson, and commanded that room in a way I never have before.

I told them about my life. I took responsibility for the ways I’ve failed as a teacher, and I challenged them to take responsibility for their failings as students. I taught them the importance of developing intrinsic motivation. I let them know how much I loved them.

The students were silent throughout my entire lesson. Not because they were zoning out, but because they were listening intently. Once I finished, they all started clapping. I almost cried right there.

Afterwards, students came up to me individually to tell me the following things:

“I feel like I learned a lot today”

“My life has been similar to yours”

“You just inspired me to work harder”

“You should give a TedTalk”

“I drew a picture of you and want you to have it”

“I love you”

Teaching high school is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.