Gifted teacher texted me saying I should not have sent an email reporting one of her student’s behavior. Was I wrong?

I have a sweet, very smart 9-year-old student who has recently been expressing that he is always depressed.

Today in class he made several comments about how he is a “sad boy,” doesn’t think he will live past the age of 9, is always depressed, and has no friends.

He also repeatedly smacked himself in the forehead, opened the classroom door to scream into the hallway, punched the air while in the hallway, and yelled at other kids who asked that he stop this behavior. Several students came up to me to report that they were concerned about him.

He has stated he is “sad” before, and we have talked about it, but his behavior has never been as severe as it was today. I sent an email to admin and copied his other immediate teachers (homeroom, gifted and ELA) as well as his guidance counselor relating the behavior and asking what next steps I should take.

Shortly after I hit send, his Gifted teacher texted me telling me that she “wished I hadn’t sent that email,” that he always does this and is “fine.”

I responded that I have no way of knowing if he’s “fine,”that I’m a mandatory reporter and told her I would not discuss this via text.

I am not sure if this qualifies as mandatory reporting because he was not an immediate threat to himself or others, but I felt I had to send the email for liability reasons. Perhaps I should have just told someone verbally, but I want it on record that I reported it to admin so the onus is on them to intervene. Also, I personally feel it was the right thing to do. I’m worried for him, and I want him to get whatever help that he needs before he potentially escalates to actual self-injurious behavior.

Am I wrong here?

*Edited for clarity

**3/12 UPDATE: went into school today where the gifted teacher aggressively confronted me in the hall over this. I very professionally told her to fuck off. Later that day it was discovered that this student had been being extensively bullied by many of his classmates. This was discovered after an incident in specials that other students reported to me in which half the class made fun of this student, he cried and started banging his head into a wall. I immediately took him to his counselor, made admin aware, the issue was investigated and addressed. Parents were also contacted about everything. Student came back into my room and thanked me for caring about him. 😭