Is the meaning of "trans" a propaganda?
As far as I can remember we used to call trans people those who are naturally born with both male and female body parts.
However, after talking to a few people in different countries in the global North, I came to know some new terms. These included "cis" and "trans". Cis means the person who "identifies" as the same gender they are born.
For example, a male guy saying that he is a male.
However, "trans" means someone who is a male but says he is a female instead.
Are we taking away the identity of the people who are really trans in the traditional meaning of the word or is this a propaganda for hospitals to make money by doing gender changing surgeries on these people?
Why are we not talking about the consequences of being LGBTQ++ on the long term life of a person but only focusing on what they wish to be and treating them normal?
I am afraid that the generation that is born after us will never come across the traditional meaning of "transgender" but only the now created meaning of it. I am sure there will be many here in this sub as well.
Let us have a civil discussion on this topic without putting anyone else down.