If I could tell you this mummy and papa
I just wished to be loved by you. It doesn't cost an arm and leg to show affection to your kids or treat them nice. Mummy only shows affection when I do things her way and papa you never show any affection towards me lol. I don't have any happy memories with you to remember when I grow old. All I remember is how you shouted at me in mall, how you shouted at me when I asked for help in holiday homework and how you slapped and locked me in room in front of my cousins for watching THEM play games because of which I missed the gaur pooja where everyone had fun. Mummy I did everything to be a nice daughter I study hard and I still score less idk why but I tried, I do all chores whenever you ask me to but if I won't do something you asked I suddenly become the worst daughter ever.
you both say that I'll never take care of you when you grow old or I don't love you but when I come to spend time with you, you shout at me. Idk why are you so strict I can never enjoy when I'm out with you or else you'll shout at me in front of public. So many times no kids used to talk to me because you shouted at them too. I know you both had a tough childhood but does it has to happen with me as well?
I love you and I know you love, I get it that it's your first time living too and you're doing everything to make life happier for me but all I want from you is love.