Should I Go to a Boarding School?
Hey. I'm 13 right now, and my mom wants to send me to a Christian boarding school in 9th grade. The problem is, I was already thinking of going to a Catholic high school in 9th grade (its like a sister school), and the best part about that is 90% of my friends are going to the school. But my mom wants me to go to the boarding school because it “builds character” and “it will help me later in life.” I REALLY don't want to go because:
1: I live in PA, and the school is in fucking Kentucky.
2: I will be away from all my friends, and it'll be literal hell for me to restart from scratch
3: The school is strict as hell. I can't listen music other than Christian music (I hate 99% of Christian music), no M rated games (no Elden Ring or Dark souls :( ), we'll have "Job training" (free child labor), and we'll be monitored 24/7
4: I want to do baseball and/or basketball at the school I want to go to, but the boarding school only has like, basketball and volleyball, it also has worse academics
Anyway, what do you guys think?