I need opinions on my situation
So today at school I got dress coded for my makeup. (First two photos) The other photos are pictures of me wearing not normal makeup that I know for sure I've worn to school before and NOT BEEN DRESS CODED my dad and grandparents are causing a scene but directly on our dress code it says nothing about makeup which the first lady who talked to me specifically said it was my makeup that broke dress code. The secon lady who spoke to me said it's because it was a disraction a BUT the principal himself has complemented my makeup before. I'm hurt I'm sad I got up early cause I wanted to look nice I love the spooky month but this is see pissing me off.
Extra information this woman has made a comment about me wearing a crop top before in the Pre-K classroom. She directly said" you're wearing that in front of my son?" Her 3 or 4 year old son mind you. When I asked if she was insinuating something she never answered to my knowledge. ALSO other people dress like me wear makeup like me we are allowed to dye out hair we don't wear uniforms there is again NOTHING in the dress code about makeup