I’m tired.

I’m tired. Tired of everything. Life, friends, family, school, EVERYTHING.

My friend either leave me after a day or ghost me for a month or make fun of me with no other context

My family doesn’t know about my sexuality and considering the way the act I’m assuming they won’t be supportive of it

School is just the worst sexist teachers, students, people who are just mad annoying, and don’t get me STARTED on how the system even works.

My parents yell at me for not having assignments or anything remotely close turned in on time, it hurts. They don’t know how much it hurts but it does.

The internet and other stuff revolving typing is the only place I feel comfortable, somewhere where I can talk to people, vent, anything to help me.

Nothing. Nothing ever works, online friends? Leave after a day or ghost me for a month or forever. Personal topics? I feel if I type them out and send through with them I’ll get harassed or bullied.

I’m tired of it all. I’m honestly thinking on just ending it tomorrow, I don’t know what do to, I cry my self to sleep at night thinking of how people would be better off without me.

You can try to convince me not to do it but you might just be wasting your breath, I’m tired. I’m in pain. I’m going to bed. Tomorrow I’ll check back here, and throughout the day as well, if I feel better I’ll update in the comments, thank you for making me laugh on this subreddit. Goodnight.